Heritage Business School
Affiliated to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal (MAKAUT,WB)
SMRITI - 2024


Please read the instruction carefully before proceeding.
1. All the fields are mandatory.  
2. No field should be kept BLANK. In case you don't have any relevant text to fill in, type 'NA' in that field.  
3. Verify OTP send to your email id specified, then the 'SAVE & PROCEED' Button appears. Click on the Button. It shows you the preview of your form.  
4. Click on the 'Continue to pay with Razorpay' button and complete the payment process.  
5. After successful completion of the payment process, the Online Receipt along with Alumni Registration Form appears. Take the print out of the Online Receipt / Form for documentation.  
For retrieving the previously submitted form.
1. A link at the footer of the Alumni Registration web page is provided for retrieving you pre-submitted form.  
2. If you have filled up the Alumni Registration form and your payment process is pending, you can retrieve the form and continue for payment from here. You can also take the Online Receipt / Alumni Form from here.  

To retrieve your submitted form, please specify the Reference No. send to your registered email-    Click here

Infodesk Number - 9748449813 / 8017838340